Jul 11Liked by Elizabeth Austin

Your motivation is inspiring! Congrats on both the rejections (like notches in the writer belt) and the manuscript requests and essays placed! I also love to get lost in writing but fit it into the corners of my life right now!

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Thank you! It's incredible how rejections have become something to celebrate now- of all the moments of growth I've had, I think learning to be excited about personal rejections is my favorite.

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I’m still getting there…. but I took a suggestion that has really helped. I got a small vase. When I get a rejection, I add a little bead to it. So I’m making something beautiful out of each rejection! My kids help me remember this in the dark moments too! :)

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It fascinates me how many of us approach writing in different ways and how writing also comes to us uniquely. I've been so busy with writing-adjacent activities that my own writing has taken a hit. But it's out of love and curiosity and fun, and so maybe it will fuel that fire again when the time is right.

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I love reading about other writers' processes- and especially the lulls they have, because we all have them, and it helps to know how other people experience and fill the time between writing! Because of course it's all writing, right? I try to think of it as seasons, or in terms of active and passive, sometimes I'm actively writing, sometimes passively, but in the times between the active writing I know when I do come back to the page it'll be all the more interesting and dynamic!

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I got so much out of reading this essay as well as Stephen King’s book, on writing.

It is absolutely amazing what you accomplish and I can feel your passion in it, which makes it feel like a labor of love not Toiling.

Thank you

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Jul 11Liked by Elizabeth Austin

There are times when I feel like I'm spending all my time writing, but then I think about what else I could be doing, and how miserable the alternative would make me feel, and I feel a lot better about my decision! I think if it consumes you in a positive way, that's all we can ask for.

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Yes, this! What a gift it is to be consumed by something so fulfilling.

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Jul 5Liked by Elizabeth Austin

Impressive stats!

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Thank you! It has been quite a year- and I'm only halfway through!

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